
What is PageRank and how it works

PageRank is a most important thing that Google uses to determine the importance of a web page. It is the main factor that used to determine which pages appear in search result. Today every person who have own website using it, but almost nobody really knows how it works. This pageRank result based on the webgraph from a mathematical algorithm, created by world wide web hyperlinks as edges and pages as nodes.

PageRank is a mathematical formula that seems difficult to look but is fairly it simple to understand. This PageRank is one of the main factor in Google ranking, But it is most important to remember that high PageRank does not Guarantee high ranking-but it can help.

How PageRank works:

  • PR(A) = (1-d) + d (PR(T1)/C(T1) + … + PR(Tn)/C(Tn))
  • PR(A)is defined as:-PageRank of page A
  • PR(Ti)is defined as:-PageRank of those pages Ti which link to page A
  • C(Ti)is defined as:-number of outbound links on page Ti
  • d is used as:- The damping factor which can be set between 0 and 1

Above equation is use to calculates page’s PageRank. This PageRank assigns a score or rank to every search. Scores are determined by the number of other Web Pages that directly link to the target page. But the really best way to increase PageRank is to have original and quality content that people want to link.

Myths and Facts about SEO and Page rank

1. Myth: Submit site to search engine for it to get listed.

Fact: Submission is not necessary. Because a search engine will always find your site from some other site link to it.

2. Myth: Only focus on high ranking rather than making sure that how visitors become customers.

Fact: Just ranking is not everything. Always just focus on ranking is not enough for site it is also necessary that increase customer not only visitors.

3. Myth: The meta-tag is important for high keyword ranking.

Fact: Meta element do not affect page ranking. Today search engines ignore META tags and description tags for ranking purposes.

4. Myth: It is not important to focus on building a quality site, mainly focus on to find some “trick” to make site rank well.

Fact: Focusing on tricks is just a time wastage. Build a quality site because there is no magic which will rocket you to the top of the search engine ranking.

5. Myth: Having white letters on a white background or make keywords invisible is a good idea for website ranking.

Fact: These stupid tricks like invisible text can get your site penalized by some engine because engines are not stupid.

6. Myth: All the visitors always start from the front page of any site.

Fact: This is not true because search engines evaluate each page of any site individually, on its merits.

How Small Websites become popular

As everybody knows that SEO is not a one-time event. The all search engine algorithm change regularly, so it doesn’t mean that worked last day may not work this day. Because SEO requires a long-term commitment and outlook. Firstly its your duty that you should have clearly defined your goal about your SEO efforts. Second thing you will need web analytic software that helps you for track what’s working and what’s not.

If you want to show up your site on first page results than analyze that “is your site really one of the 10 best sites in the world”? if it is not than make it better to increase your site position. The page title is one of the most important on-page SEO factors. Google’s content curation is not copyright, plagiarism, scraping- or should not be. It is not right to copying somebody else’s work and placing it on your website as your own. These web content are protected by copyright laws, just like all other creative works.

The aim of any search engine is simple to connect its all searchers with most relevant content. There is another better way for getting higher position is blog writing for your site because all search engine, especially Google, like blogs for highly-structured data and for fresh content. Also commenting and reading other’s blog can also help you acquire new links and also increase your exposure.


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