IMP: WordPress Brute-Force login attack proactive mitigation.

sql-injection-wordpressIn an ongoing effort to make you aware of security and performance concerns, we wanted to inform you of an ongoing event.

There is a brute-force login attack targeted at websites with WordPress. Due to the nature of the attack, memory consumption on targeted servers has increased. In some cases this has resulted in degradation of performance, and unresponsive servers. This is due to a high volume of http requests which can cause some servers to start swapping memory to disk, and possibly run out of memory. The most impacted servers tend to be those with limited memory resources, especially those with 1GB of RAM or less.

Our monitoring team has been proactively restoring service to managed servers which have been affected. We have taken proactive steps to reduce the impact of this event. We have tested a new ModSecurity rule, and deployed it via our ServerSecure service to customer servers. This new rule will block http requests to the WordPress login page after 10 failed login attempts. The attacking IP address will then be blocked for 5 minutes.

WordPress DDOS Attack & How to Login on WordPress Site

ddos-attackThis information concerns you if your have bought Linux Hosting from us and especially if you are a WordPress developer or administrator of its installation.

Since last week there has been a Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Attack on WordPress Installations throughout the Internet.

Since yesterday this attack has increased in its severity leading to service disruptions of many hosting providers including ours. This DDOS involves 90000+ IP’s and has impacted even major web hosting companies.

More details of this DDOS attack are mentioned at :

You can learn more about DDOS at

At RiAcube we have taken several steps to mitigate these attacks. One of the step is that we have dis-allowed direct access to wp-login.php. Instead please point the browser to wp-login-rn.php . Directly accessing wp-login.php may lead to blockage of your IP in certain scenarios.

Also please refer to to learn about how to ensure better security for your WordPress setup

For further details/clarification, please call us at (+91) 980 306 9555, (+1) 571 229 5559 or email us at [email protected] . In-case your IP has been blocked, please visit and email us your IP so that we can un-block it.

WordPress DDOS Attack – How to Logout

This information is in continuation of our previous post ‘WordPress DDOS Attack and How to Login‘. This concerns you only if your have bought Linux Hosting from us and you are a WordPress developer or administrator of its installation.

To properly Logout after you have logged in via wp-login-rn.php, you have to put wp-login-rn.php instead of wp-login.php in the browser’s address bar when Log out is clicked. Please press the enter key after making change in the address bar.

Importance of Domain Name for your Business

You completely understand that choosing a suitable domain name is important for your business success, before choosing one must consult an experienced IT consultant and follow the basic rules to decide. Here, I am elaborating my article on Domain Registration Solution and Tips.

Your existing and prospective customers may know your business name, but do they remember your domain name? you know the answer. Just imagine the mindset of majority of your customers for “If your customers plan to buy one of your product/service”;

    • Will they search your contact details in phone or local directory?
    • Will they search you on internet? “specifically you”
    • Will they directly step-in to your shop?
    • If your answer is “NO”, then you should read this article further…


This is called Branding, make your domain name a Brand of your trade. You can create your own Brand easily, its not that hard that you thing. Just follow the simple rules.

      • Always display your domain name on each and every advertisement, either for print media, or social media.
      • Do print your domain name over all your office stationery, and on personal too (if possible)
      • Update your existing customers with “latest stock” by emails or text messages, followed by your domain name.
      • Upgrade your website with Newsletter feature (its good if you already have) and ask your customers to subscribe

If you have an existing customer data, do enroll them with your Newsletter Subscriber list manually

Don`t ever subscribe bulk/purchased data in your list, this will increase spamming and your domain will be blacklisted

Update your website with new content regularly, at-least once a week or twice a month.The new content will automatically be sent to subscribers; this will hit your customer`s mind often with your name.

Connect your website with max possible Social Media Channels like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest and more

      • IMP: Again ask you web designer / developer to connect your website with these channels in a professional manner, so that when-ever you add content to your website will automatically posted on all social media channels. This will save you time and efficiency.

Always remember an old saying; “Rome was not built in a day“, similarly, creating your brand name is a long process and to achieve your goal you should follow these rules regularly.

Happy Branding

If you are a domain owner, tell us “Why you love your domain?” if we like your answer, keeping your trade parameters in view, your domain will be listed on this page, absolutely free of charge. So, write us now.

Golden Rules For Choosing A Branded Domain Name

Great, so you have decided to start your own online store on your own domain name like “”; it looks more professional and makes it easier to promote your brand.

With so many live websites on internet, you need to be creative to search an available domain name. We are just highlighting some key points on domain suggestions.

Golden Tips on Creating a Domain Name

  • The Best: “.COM” is the top-level domain, most popular too; but its really very hard to find the available one. Try your level best to get a “.com” however; if planning to sell in a your country or any specific country, you may consider a country specific domain such as “.in” or “” for India, “.us” for the United States, “.eu” for Europe, “” for United Kingdom and “.ca” for Canada.
  • Unspoken Rule: Avoid a name too similar to competitor`s domain name and make sure not to violate others trademark.
  • Most Essential: Be short, remarkable and catchy! Also make your name easy to spell & pronounce.
  • Creativity: You need to create your own domain b`cos singular & single-word domain names are already taken. Try a combination of two whole words (Go Daddy, You Tube, Snap Deal), using phrases (Travel Guide, Six Apart), combine two words together partly (MicroTech, MicroSoft), tweaking (Quikr, Flickr), or create completely a unique domain name (KIPS, RiA Cube, Audi). If unable to find one great domain simply contact us.
  • Ascertainable vs. Brand: First decide your business strategy…
  • Relying on web-traffic from search engines? Then you should use search-engine compatible words like and that people are searching on search engines, will increase search ranking ranking of your website.
  • Focus is on paid search listing, banner ads and buzz building? you should come up with a Branded Domain Name like,, or which people recognize and remember.

Avoid the following

  • ( – ) Hyphens, they could be indicated as spam.
  • Unknown / Uncommon TLDs such as .tel, .tv, .ws, .info, .bz, .name, .biz and .es., .com, .net, .in, .eu, .ca and .org are universal domains and likely to visible better in search results.
  • IMP! Domain Names longer than 10 characters; hard to remember and are likely to be misspelled.
  • Go to to book your own domain, which uniquely represents your business as brand. Our Domain Suggestion Tool will try to help you, but your brainstorming is more important. You might not get the astonished one from your first pick; Never mind, scratch your brain and, you will definitely discover a great domain name to represent your business.

Google Glass, the wearable computer

Welcome to “your world” through Google Glass. Google’s most awaited gadget of electronic genius; a “Wearable Computer”.

A pair of glass-less frame with a flyspeck computer on the left/right side, Google Glass is encouraged as “seamless and empowering.” It will have the power to capture any live encounter and socialize to millions in just a few seconds.

The tech world is excited from long and imagining on what it will look like and finally be able to reach excitation. Device`s prototypes has undergone for testing to 1,000s of Glass Explorers and are expected to be sold in public from next year. Many people think wearable computing as the next step in the digital world, whereas others didn`t like the idea of more inner connections with the scarily network.

Here, we are gathering your opinion about the Google Glass, checkout the “Google Glass Poll” on the side bar.

Check out more on Google Glass,


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