Entries by Sharat Sharma

Google`s Content Authorization

You must have seen some search results with the photograph on Google search page. Ever wondered, how do they appear? They connect their Google Profile with their website and post original articles on the website, when Google announces that the content is unique, it appears in Google search result. You must be thinking why its […]

How does Google search work ?

Search Engine works as answering machine. When a person perform an online search, search engine does two things: firstly, it returns only those results that are useful and relevant to searcher’s query and second, it ranks those results according to the popularity of the websites serving the information. The information given by search engine may […]

What is SEO?

SEO is known as SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, it is all about optimizing a website for search engines. The SEO composed of both the technical and creative elements required to improve rankings, drive traffic, and increase awareness in search engines. Google™ promotes authority pages to the top of its rankings so it’s your job to create […]

Important SEO Rules To Keep In Mind

To get your website on top of search engines “Backlinks is not the only getting more and more having task to do. Your site must be equipped with basic seo rules and further compile with these important rules, which you need to keep in mind while creating your website content and designing of your webpages. […]

Submit Your Link

You must have found 100’s of websites providing a list of another 100’s of web directories to submit your website Link (URL). There are two types of website submission services available out there: (1) automatic site submission and (2) Manual site submission. Both are very good services at their part and effective too, if processed […]

What is PageRank and how it works

PageRank is a most important thing that Google uses to determine the importance of a web page. It is the main factor that used to determine which pages appear in search result. Today every person who have own website using it, but almost nobody really knows how it works. This pageRank result based on the […]


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